
  • 1 x mint leaves
  • 1 slices lemon or lime slices
  • 1 slices oranges
  • 1 x maraschino cherries on toothpick
  • 1 x whipped cream
  • 1 x candy canes
  • 1 x pineapple on toothpicks with cherries, slices
  • 1 x strawberries fresh, on toothpick
  • 1 x chocolate shavings or curls
  • 1 x coconut shredded
  • 1 x ice cubes with frozen fruit inside, or chunks of fruit dipped in lemon juice & frozen
  • 1 x parsley leaves
  • 1 x watercress
  • 1 x celery sticks
  • 1 x carrots sticks or curls
  • 1 x lemon or lime spirals
  • 1 x scallions, spring or green onions
  • 1 x chives chopped
  • 1 x paprika
  • 1 x black pepper freshly ground
  • 1 x olives black or green, on toothpicks
  • 1 x radishes spirals
  • 1 x cinnamon sticks
  • 1 x whipped cream topped with cinnamon or shaved chocolate
  • 1 x sugar


  • To frost glasses: Dip glasses into water, and while still dripping wet, place them in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  • Leave them at least 2 or 3 hours.
  • Sugar Frosted Glasses: (for fruit drinks) Moisten top of glass and rim area with a wedge of lemon, lime or orange.
  • Just rub it along the glass edge, then dip in superfine sugar & place in freezer for a few hours.
  • Moistener could be grenadine syrup.
  • Salt Frosted Glasses: (for vegetable drinks) Use salt along the rim area.