
  • half a bundle of dandelion greens, or enough to make two salads
  • 3 fresh apricots
  • a handful of almonds
  • about 5 prunes
  • 1/4 cup brown rice vinegar
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • a good-sized shallot


  • Mince the shallot. Get them into a jar and pour the vinegar over them. Oh, yes, add a pinch of salt. Macerate the shallots in the vinegar for at least 10 minutes to tame its bite. Meanwhile...
  • I prefer the almonds raw for this salad because I think the delicate flavor of the nuts marries well with the apricot and prunes. But you are welcome to toast them which would make them uber delish, but in a different way. If you choose to toast, preheat the oven to 350. Spread your nuts out in a pan, I just use my beloved cast iron, but you can use a sheet tray or whatever you'd like. Get the nuts in the oven when it's good and hot. Toast for about 7-8 minutes. You will know when they're done, because they will perfume the kitchen.
  • If using raw almonds, go ahead and give them a rough chop. If you are toasting your almonds, wait till they cool then give them this same treatment. Set aside.
  • Slice your prunes. Set aside.
  • Pit and neatly slice your apricots. Set aside.
  • Get the prunes, almonds and dandelion greens into a bowl. Hold off on the apricots.
  • Back to the vinaigrette. Add the olive oil to the jar. Give it a good shake until it's fully emulsified. You will know that it is such because it will be a beautiful pale yellow, and look creamy.
  • Spoon a bit of this over the components in your bowl, toss, and plate.
  • Herd the apricots into the same bowl, drizzle a little of the vinaigrette over them, toss to lightly coat, then tuck them into the salad artistically, because this is where you shine.
  • Et voila! Les feuilles de pissenlit avec des abricots, pruneaux et aux amandes!
  • Just a note, if you are truly taking this to your picnic, please prepare all of the components as outlined, but refrain from dressing. Instead, pack up your greens in one container, your apricots in a small container, the nuts and prunes in another. Your vinaigrette is already in a jar. So, we're good there. When you arrive at your destination, toss all of your ingredients together in the container that was large enough to hold your greens. Plate, and enjoy!