
  • 1, medium eggplant peeled and cubed to one-by-one inch sized pieces
  • 1, large Yam peeled and cut to half inch slices (cut large slices on half pieces are even)
  • 1, large carrot peeled and sliced
  • 2,medium zucchini peeled and sliced
  • 1, small green tomato with crusty leaf cover removed
  • 2, medium red peppers seeded and halved
  • 1, poblano pepper seeded and halved
  • 3, cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cube, fresh ginger peeled and crushed through a garlic press into a small container
  • 1, medium onion course-chopped
  • 1, red jalepeno seeded and halved
  • 3 oz, chopped cilantro
  • 2 oz, toasted pine nuts
  • 2 tbl, cummin powder
  • 1 tbl, Mexican chili powder
  • 1 tsp, smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp, oregano
  • 1/2 tsp, ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp, fresh ground pepper
  • Kosher salt to taste
  • 4 oz. Sweet Marsala wine
  • 2 oz. olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • - coat cast iron pan with 1 oz. olive oil
  • - place eggplant by itself in a side section close to single layer
  • - place zucchini next to eggplant also close to single layer
  • - add yam, carrot, and green tomato in remaining open space
  • - add onion on top of all the vegetables
  • - add peppers on top of eggplant and zucchini
  • - sprinkle all the vegetables with remaining 1 oz olive oil, all the spices and toss individual sections to coat evenly (more olive oil can be used as needed to get a nice shimmer on all the vegetables)
  • Place the pan in the middle rack of the oven and roast for 7 minutes. Remove from oven, toss, and return to oven. Repeat 3 times. Add garlic and Marsala. Roast another 7 minutes. Remove eggplant, zucchini and tomato. If more tenderness desired, cook some more, but watch closely. Roast remaining vegetables until they are done to taste. Remove the pan from the oven. Return the eggplant, zucchini to the pan. Crush the tomato and distribute over all the vegetables. Remove waxy skin from peppers, mince and toss into vegetables. Lower oven temperature to 200 degrees and return the pan to the oven until ready to serve. Toast pine nuts in a pan over the stove until golden.
  • Using a spatula, plate the roasted vegetables and sprinkle with cilantro and toasted pine nuts. Enjoy with warmed buttered crusty French bread. A glass of your favorite robust red wine is a great choice!