
  • Potatoes - 6 (medium sized)
  • Eggs - 5
  • Onion - 1 (large)
  • Green chillies - 4
  • Red Chilly/Cayenne Powder - 1/2 tp
  • Turmeric Powder - 3/4 tp
  • Dried herbs like Oregano, Thyme, Basil
  • Parmesan cheese (optional)
  • Salt to taste


  • 1. Peel the potatoes and slice them into thin rounds (like for potato chips).
  • 2. Put the potatoes in a bowl and mix in the powders and salt. Use your hand to mix the potatoes with the powders and ensure that all the slices are covered with the red chilly and turmeric powders. Keep it aside.
  • 3. Heat oil in a shallow pan. Add onions (cut long). When they turn pinkish add diced green chillies and fry for a while. Next add the potatoes. Mix all well in the pan.
  • 4. While the potatoes are cooking, in a bowl add the whites of the eggs. Beat till they are stiff. Then beat in the yolks. The beaten eggs need to be quite stiff. Add a little salt and the dried herbs. (Ensure that you keep checking on the potatoes while whisking the eggs. Keep stirring and turning them over.)
  • 5. Pour the eggs over the potatoes.
  • 6. If you like you can grate some parmesan cheese over the eggs.
  • 7. Cover the pan and cook till the eggs are done.