
  • 1 pkg, about 1.25 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs. I like to allow two pieces per person, depending on size.
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten, with 2 Tablespoons lukewarm water added
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat bread crumbs, either homemade fine gound, or storebought. I like to use no sodium added if storebought.
  • 1/4 cup toasted wheat germ
  • light coating of olive oil for greasing the pan


  • Heat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Place beaten egg and water mixture into a dish or pan with a side high enough to contain the egg.
  • Alongside the plate with the egg, set out another plate or some waxed paper and gently combine the bread crumbs and wheat germ on that.
  • Have a baking pan handy (I like to line mine with foil) and lightly coat with oil. Place pan next to the plate with the crumb mixture.
  • One by one, dip each thigh first into the egg and then dredge into the crumbs (both sides) and then place on the pan. Drizzle top of thighs with a little more olive oil.
  • When all thighs have been coated, place in pre-heated oven for about 30 - 40 minutes, depending on size. I like them to get nice and crispy but not shrink up too much. Check them at 30 minutes and see if the crumbs have browned yet. If not, leave them in the oven a little longer.