
  • 5 large potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 pint double cream
  • 3 ounces strong cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1 lemon, juice of
  • 1 teaspoon English mustard
  • parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 lb haddock or 1 cod fish fillet, skinned and sliced into strips
  • 4 ounces sweetcorn
  • 8 ounces cooked shelled prawns
  • nutmeg
  • seasoning


  • Pre-heat the oven to 230C/450F/Gas MK 8.
  • Put the potatoes into boiling, salted water and bring back to the boil for 2 minutes.
  • Carefully add the eggs to the pan and cook for a further 8 minutes until the eggs are hard boiled and the potatoes cooked.
  • Drain the potatoes. Remove the eggs and cool under cold water, then shell and quarter them.
  • In a separate pan, slowly fry the onion in a little olive oil for about 5 minutes, then add the cream and bring just to the boil. Remove from the heat and add the cheese, lemon juice, mustard and parsley.
  • Put the fish, prawns, sweetcorn and eggs into an ovenproof dish. Pour over the sauce and gently mix together.
  • Mash the potatoes with a little olive oil, seasoning and nutmeg. Spread over the top of the fish mixture and bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes until the potatoes are golden.