
  • 1 packages 3 boneless chicken breast
  • 1 can (family size) Cream of Chicken
  • 1 medium Tub of Sour Cream
  • 1 small Amount of Chicken Broth (Enough to Make it Easy to Stir and Smooth) (if you forget your chicken broth you can use water in its place)
  • 3 packages Rits Crackers


  • Turn the oven to bake, and Preheat the oven to 350-375(degrees)
  • Boil the 3 boneless chicken breasts
  • Shred the 3 boneless chicken breasts into tiny thin strips
  • get a large rectangle glass pan
  • add the family sized can of cream of chicken, medium sized tub of sour cream to the large rectangle glass pan .
  • Mix the cream of chicken and sour cream together.
  • add a little bit of chicken broth and mix it in with the sour cream and cream of chicken continue adding chicken brotj until its easy to stir and smooth
  • add the shredded chicken to the large rectangle glass pan mix it in with the cream of chicken and sout cream mixture (make sure the chicken is spread evenly through the pan and smooth out the top of the mixture.)
  • crush the 3 packs of rits crackers
  • spread the crushed rits crackers evenly across the top of the casserole and smooth it out (DO NOTstir the crackers in with the mixture they stay on the top of the casserole.)
  • place in the oven for 5-15minutes (just long enough for the crackers to brown)
  • once the crackers have browned take of the oven and let cool ready to eat.