Download Calamari salad - Salad
Categories:Viewed: 74 - Published at: 2 years ago


  • 1 whole small to medium sized calamari (squid)
  • 2 cup safflower oil
  • 1 cup Japanese potato flour (katakuri-ko) or rice flour
  • fine sea salt
  • fine black pepper
  • 250g rocket leaves
  • seaweed powder (optional)
  • lemon and lime wedges
  • Title: Citrussy dressing
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp orange and lemon juice
  • sea salt


Over a colander, rinse the whole calamari under cold running water and remove the head, legs, insides and cartilage. Discard insides and cartilage. Keep the head. With your thumb, remove the wings, and peel off the fine skin encasing the calamari.

Turn the tube inside-out and remove any remaining insides.

Cut the calamari in half, then each half into thirds, lengthwise, to make six strips.

Make a criss-cross design by lightly scoring the surface (making sure not to cut totally through the flesh) on a 45-degree angle from the left, then repeating from the right.

This is not only decorative but helps to tenderise and absorb the sauce. Cut each of the six pieces into 5mm vertical strips. The wings may also be used but tend to be hard.

Remove the tentacles from the head and chop into 3cm pieces.

In a heavy skillet heat the oil to 180C.

Dust the calamari, including the tentacle pieces, lightly with the potato flour and drop a small amount into the oil. Cook for about 30 seconds.

Remove, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place over the rocket tossed with the olive oil, citrus juice and salt.

To serve 

Sprinkle with seaweed powder and garnish with lemon and lime wedges.