
  • 8 large black tiger prawns deshelled and rinsed
  • 1-2 large bosc pears, not too ripe (the best cooking pear for staying firm)
  • 1 whole butter lettuce washed
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 4 tbsp balsalmic vinegar
  • pepper
  • fresh ground pepper


  • wash and divide lettuce into two single serving salad bowls.wash and slice bosc pears, cut in 1/2 and core. slice pears into 1/4 inch pieces.
  • fry in 1 tbsp butter and 2 tbsp balsalmic vinegar till golden but not over cooked, remove from pan set aside. in same pan add 1 tbsp more butter and saute prawns add 4 to each salad. divede pears to each salad. sprinkle each salad with remaing juices from pan and a drizzle of balsalmic vinegar. dash of pepper. serve immediatley.