
  • 12 cup raisins
  • 12 cup boiling water
  • 12 cup rye flour
  • 12 cup cornmeal
  • 12 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 12 teaspoon salt
  • 14 cup molasses
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 cup lukewarm buttermilk
  • boiling water


  • Remove labels from two empty 21-ounce cans (the kind that pie filling or fruit comes in); wash cans.
  • Thoroughly grease cans.
  • Cut out 2 circles of waxed paper and place one in the bottom of each can.
  • Put raisins in a bowl; add hot water.
  • Let stand 15 to 30 minutes to plump; drain well and pat dry with paper towels.
  • Combine rye flour, cornmeal, all-purpose flour, baking soda and salt in large bowl; stir until well mixed.
  • In another bowl, combine molasses, brown sugar and warm buttermilk; stir to mix.
  • Pour buttermilk mixture into flour mixture; mix well.
  • Fold in raisins until evenly distributed.
  • Divide batter evenly between the two prepared cans.
  • Cover each can with greased aluminum foil and tie foil around the top with cotton string (or dental floss).
  • Place a wire rack in the bottom of a large kettle with a lid.
  • Place cans on rack.
  • Pour in enough boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the cans.
  • Cover kettle with lid; steam cans at a slow boil at least 2 hours, adding more water as needed.
  • Bread is done when a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.
  • Remove cans from water and remove the aluminum foil.
  • Let bread cool to lukewarm before removing it from the cans.
  • If bread resists coming out, run a thin knife blade around the inside of the can and gently shake out the bread.