
  • 2 beetroot
  • 2 cloves
  • 2 leaves bay leaf
  • 2 star anise
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons fruit vinegar
  • pepper - to taste / season
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 1 cup curd
  • 1 cucumber
  • 10 pistachio
  • salt to taste


  • Bring water to boil , add the spices and vinegar. Add 1 teaspoon salt and immerse the beetroots. Slow cook for 15min with lid on.
  • After the beetroot has cooled remove them from the water and allow the excess water to simmer down to a sauce. Once the quantity has reduced to 3/4 of the total quantity remove the spices and add the butter and keep stirring the sauce to get a thick consistency sauce.
  • Hang the curd in a muslin cloth for 20 min to remove the excess water. Chop the cucumbers and add them to the curd. Season the curd and cucumber with salt and pepper.
  • Cut the beetroot into thin round slices and arrange them as you wish. Add the cucumber and curd mixture in the center, pour the sauce on the beetroot and curd and garnish with toasted pistachios. Tastes best when served chilled.
  • You can make the sour cream tastier by adding fresh dill leaves/ olive oil/adding paprika instead of pepper.