Categories:Viewed: 34 - Published at: 3 years ago


  • 6 medium fresh jalapeno peppers similar in size
  • 8 ounces (or less) cream cheese block softened
  • 12 strips or one pound raw bacon


  • Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Line a rimmed cookie sheet with foil and place a cooling rack on top.
  • Cut stems off jalapenos, careful to keep peppers intact (do not cut into the pepper yet, just remove the outside stem).
  • Wear gloves to hold jalapenos while cutting in half lengthwise. Remove veins and most of the seeds. While removing the veins and seeds, keep in mind each side of jalapeno will act as a "boat" holding the cream cheese, so be careful not to cut through peppers or the cream cheese will leak out. Leave a few seeds inside the "boats" for spice as desired.
  • Using a knife, fill each half of the jalapenos with cream cheese. Wrap each half with one slice bacon. Place bundles on rack on top of cookie sheet. Bake for 45-60 minutes. Most ovens cook hotter towards the back, so you might want to rotate cookie sheet half way through to ensure even browning of bacon. Bake until bacon is cooked to desired crispness. Use tongs to transfer to paper towels and allow to drain and cool for 10 minutes. Serve.