
  • 1 large pkg. apricot jello (dry)
  • 1 1/2 c. boiling water
  • 1/3 c. powdered sugar
  • 1 (13 oz.) can drained mandarin oranges
  • 1 (13 oz.) can crushed pineapple (with juice)
  • 1 (13 oz.) can fruit cocktail (with juice)


  • Mix all ingredients until dissolved.
  • Set in refrigerator until thick. Add 1/2 pint Cool Whip.
  • Put in an 8 1/3 x 13-inch pan.
  • Decorate with maraschino cherries (cut in half) or top with pecans, if desired.
  • Cut in squares and serve on lettuce leaf or serve as a light dessert.