
  • 1 one fish Sea Bream (use your favorite white-meat fish).
  • 1 clove Garlic (finely chopped)
  • 1 Olive oil
  • 10 clams Asari or Manila clams in their shells, de-sanded and washed
  • 8 tomatoes Cherry tomatoes (remove the stem)
  • 1 whole tomato Dried tomatoes (finely chopped)
  • 2 anchovies Anchovies (finely chopped)
  • 6 olives Black olives (just cut them in half)
  • 1 dash less than a teaspoon Caper (as-is)
  • 100 cc Dried Vermouth wine (Or spicy white whine)
  • 50 ml Water
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Herbs such as italian parsley (as desired)
  • 1 dash Olive oil
  • 1 dash Soy sauce


  • After washing the sand off of the Asari clams, remove from water and leave at room temperature for about an hour.
  • (This brings out the umami).
  • After salting the fish, let it set for a while to completely remove the moisture (This removes the fish smell).
  • Lightly season with pepper.
  • Arrange the ingredients for step A in the same order as the ingredients list.
  • Fry finely chopped garlic in olive oil in a pan until aromatic, and then fry the fish on both sides until well-done.
  • You can also cook the ingredients from step 4 directly in the Tajine pot without using a pan.
  • (The skin sometimes sticks to the pot, so I used a pan).
  • It will cook through once you cover it, so you do not need to cook it completely.
  • Lightly browning both sides should be sufficient.
  • Transfer the fish to the Tajine pot on medium heat, add the asari clams and add the ingredients from step A in order.
  • After warming the Tajine pot, add the mixed ingredients from step B, cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes at medium heat (Adjust according to the size of the fish).
  • If you don't use a Tajine pot, put the ingredients into the pan you used to fry the fish.
  • In this case, use the same amount of vermoth.
  • After 10 minutes has passed, turn off the heat and let steam for 5 minutes.
  • Uncover, add a little olive oil and soy sauce and it's done.
  • The salted anchovies, olives, and cape add flavor to the soup, but add salt if it is a little weak.
  • Decorate with basil and Italian parsley to your preference, and add drizzle it with lemon for the finishing touch.