Category: salt beef
Learn salt beef - Recipes
  1. Guyanese Cook Up Rice - rice

    Ingredients 3 cups par-boil rice or 3 cups long grain rice1 lb salt beef (cut up) or 1 lb pig, tail (cut up)1 onion2 garlic cloves1 (14 ounce) can coconut milk1 tomatoes1 sprig fresh thyme4 cups water1 cup gung...Learn More
    ricesalt beefonion
  2. Banana Bisque Bananasfromjamaica Recipe - salt beef

    Ingredients 1/2 lb salt beef4 c. stock4 c. green bananas minced & boiled1 c. onions chopped1 tsp salt1/2 tsp pepper1 c. creamMethodCombine all ingredients.Bring to the boil and simmer till bananas are pulpy, ap...Learn More
    salt beefstockgreen bananas