Category: pork steaks
Learn pork steaks - Recipes
  1. Mexican Pork Chili - pork steaks

    Ingredients 2 lb pork steaks2 large cans whole tomatoes6 clove garlic1 pinch salt1 pinch black pepper12 each Japanese red peppersMethodGather all ingredients.Cut pork steak into 1 inch pieces.Trimming most of t...Learn More
    pork steakstomatoesclove garlic
  2. Penkridge Pork - pork steaks

    Ingredients 2 large pork steaks3 medium onions250 g mushrooms3 carrots1 liter Knorr vegetable soup mix100 g plain flour100 ml vegetable oilseasoningTabasco sauce (optional)MethodChop the carrots into small dice...Learn More
    pork steaksonionsmushrooms