Category: pinhead oatmeal
Learn pinhead oatmeal - Recipes
  1. Irish Crunchy Brown Bread - whole wheat flour

    Ingredients 6 oz. whole wheat flour2 oz. white flour, unbleached1 oz. pinhead oatmeal1 oz. wheat germ1 tsp. bicarbonate of soda1 oz. bran1 tsp. sugar1/2 tsp. salt1/2 pt. buttermilk1 eggMethodPreheat oven to 375...Learn More
    whole wheat flourwhite flourpinhead oatmeal
  2. Cormacs quick brown bread. - extra course wholemeal

    Ingredients 175 grams extra course wholemeal50 grams plain flour25 grams bran25 grams pinhead oatmeal25 grams wheatgerm1 tsp sugar1 tsp bicarbonate of soda1/2 tsp salt275 ml buttermilk1 eggMethodMix all dry ing...Learn More
    extra course wholemealflourbran