
  • 4 c. margarine
  • 4 c. sugar
  • 4 c. brown sugar
  • 8 eggs
  • 4 c. peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)
  • 4 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 4 tsp. vanilla
  • 8 c. flour


  • Cream together sugars and margarine; add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Add peanut butter and vanilla. Combine flour, salt, and baking soda in a large bowl. Add dry ingredients, a little at a time, to creamed mixture. Dough will be very soft. Drop by teaspoon onto cookie sheet; flatten with a fork dipped in sugar. Bake about 10 minutes at 350°. Yields about 30 dozen.