
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil (sunflower) or light olive oil
  • 10 pieces Mazafati Dates
  • 400 grams sugar
  • 3 pieces free range eggs
  • 250 grams whole plain yogurt
  • 1 piece zest of lemon
  • 250 milliliters vegetable oil or light olive oil
  • 450 grams "00" flour
  • 2 grams Salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed cardamom
  • 1 cup yogurt
  • 1 cup vanilla Ice cream


  • Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F/gas 21/2 .
  • I used 2 cake tins for this recipe 1x30cm rectangular cake tin and 1x16cm springform tin, line the bottom and sides with parchment paper, or grease with butter & flour, set them aside.
  • Pit the dates, then remove the skin if you prefer. In a non stick frying pan, add 2-3 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (or vegetable oil) and slightly fry them. I fried them with the skin. Set aside to cool down.
  • In a bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until soft and creamy. Add the yogurt, the zest of a lemon, the oil, and mix until almost combined.
  • In another bowl, add the dry ingredients; flour, salt, baking powder & cardamom. Then add them into the cake mix, stir until soft and creamy but do not overdo mix. Add half of the fried dates.
  • Pour the mixture into the tin and place the rest with the dates on top, bake for 45 to 50 minutes. When the cake is cooked inside, rise the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4 and bake to golden the surface.
  • Remove from the oven, and let the cake cool for 10 minutes. Then place it in your serving dish. Serve it warm with vanilla ice cream, or let it cool down completely and serve it with some yogurt, or whipped cream.