Categories:Viewed: 30 - Published at: 2 years ago


  • 1 angel food cake
  • 1 large can pineapple
  • 1 large box sugar-free Jell-O vanilla pudding
  • 3 c. skim milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 medium box Cool Whip
  • 5 or 6 large strawberries or green kiwi fruit (for top)


  • Cut
  • angel
  • food
  • cake
  • in squares.
  • Put in 9 x 13-inch dish. Drain
  • half
  • the
  • juice
  • off
  • large
  • can
  • of pineapple. Sprinkle pineapple
  • and remaining juice over cake.
  • Mix large box sugar-free Jell-O vanilla pudding with 3 cups of skim milk and put over cake mixture.
  • Take 1 banana, slice thin and put on top of pudding.
  • Spread medium box of Cool Whip over all.