
  • For the pasta
  • 250 grams All-purpose flour
  • 50 grams Semolina flour
  • 1/2 cup (more or less) water
  • a pinches of salt
  • For the filling
  • 1 pound Mixed greens (Dandelion greens, Mustard greens, beet greens, stinging nettles, chard, baby spinach...)
  • 1 pound Sunchokes (Jerusalem Artichokes - you can sub potatoes)
  • a big bunches of basil (about 10 large leaves)
  • a bunches of parsley
  • a small handfuls of mint leaves
  • 1/4 cup Pine nuts
  • a good grating of Nutmeg
  • Salt


  • Make the filling: I highly recommend you do this the night before, so the filling will have time to release as much water as possible. Cook the greens in a pot that can fit all of them, with just a couple inches of salted boiling water. Cover the pot and cook until tender, 15 to 25 minutes depending on which greens you are using. Also boil the sunchokes until tender, about 30 minutes. It would be even better to roast them - put them in a 400F? oven for about 40 minutes.
  • Once everything is cooked, let the vegetables cool and squeeze as much water as you can from the herbs. You can peel the sunchokes or leave them whole. I prefer to keep the skins.
  • Put all the ingredients for the filling in a food processor, and process until smooth. As for the salt and nutmeg, add a little and adjust at the end. You can taste the filling to check if you are okay with the amount of spice. Put the filling in a colander in the fridge over a bowl and leave it there overnight, or for several hours.
  • Make the pasta: Make a well of flour on a wooden board, add a bit of water and start kneading, adding more water a little by little as you go. You should end up with a very supple ball of dough. If it seems too stiff or too dry, add more waer and re-knead.
  • Roll it out: if you make it with a rolling pin, roll it to the desired thinness (but not too thin) and cut the sheet of pasta into 4 inch wide strips. Same Using a pasta machine makes it even easier! Make sure everything is constantly well floured. For further reference on pasta making, check out the link in the description.
  • Take out the filling and discard any liquid. Put a teaspoonful of filling at regular intervals near the lower edge of the strips, then fold the pasta over the filling. Press to seal the edges with your fingers. To make the pockets, pinch the pasta in between the gaps, as to create a sort of 'wall' out of the strip. With a pasta wheel, cut each ravioli by dragging the wheel towards yourself. This will cause the part you pinched to fold inwards and create a sort of pocket.
  • Lay the prepared ravioli on a floured tray, and make sure they do not overlap. You can freeze them this way and, once they're frozen, dump them in a bag. To boil them straight away, dump them in a large pot with plenty of salted boiling water until they rise to the surface, about 3 to 5 minutes. Do not throw away the pasta scraps! They are great in soups.
  • SUGGESTIONS FOR DRESSING ~ Because these are so simple, they can be tossed with pretty much any sauce you have - especially if you are making these with potatoes instead of sunchokes. Dress them in a simple tomato sauce and extra virgin olive oil, or with pesto (again, see the links in the description for more info).