
  • 25 cocktail tomatoes
  • 1 avocado (not soft, not too hard)
  • micro-greens for garnish
  • 25 tsp lemon olive oil
  • 25 mini mozzarella balls (1/2" diameter)
  • coarse salt, pepper
  • For parsnip puree:
  • 5 middle-size parsnip roots
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tb butter
  • salt, pepper


  • Peel parsnips, cut off the hard top, cut small in 1/4" slices and cook for about 5-8 min in boiling, salted water until they are soft.
  • Meanwhile, cut off the top of the tomatoes and cut into the center walls to take them out, then use a sharp edged very small spoon to completely hollow out the inside of the tomatoes. With a kitchen paper towel carefully pat dry the inside of each tomato. Arrange some green micro-greens or small cut salad leaves on your serving plate so that the tomatoes stay straight without rolling to the side.
  • Drain the parsnip. Combine parsnip pieces, milk and butter, season with pepper and puree with puree-blender. Fill parsnip puree in quart-size freezer bag, close and cut one small corner off. Squeeze the puree in each tomato until full; don't fill higher than the rim of the tomato.
  • Cut about 25 1"round slices of the avocado and place each vertically off-center in the puree. Then place one mozzarella ball next to it in the puree. Season with little salt and pepper. Drizzle the lemon olive oil on each tomato and top it with some micro-greens.