
  • 3 whole Egg Yolks
  • 2-1/8 ounces, weight Caster Sugar
  • 1 pound, 1-2/3 ounces, weight Mascarpone
  • 2 tablespoons, 1-1/2 pinches Liqueur (I Used A Hazelnut Liqueur. You Could Use Tia Maria, Sambuca, White Rum... A Light Liqueur Is Generally Used)
  • 6 tablespoons, 2 teaspoons, 4-5/8 pinches Water
  • 7 ounces, weight Caster Sugar
  • 3 whole Egg Whites
  • 1 pound, 1-2/3 ounces, weight Savoiardi Biscuits
  • 4 cups, 3 tablespoons, 1-7/8 teaspoons, 1/4 pinches Hot Brewed Coffee
  • 1/4 cups Cocoa Powder
  • Strawberries To Serve
  • Extra Cocoa To Dust To Serve


  • 1. Grease the sides and base of a springform cake tin with a bit of oil then line it with a sheet of baking paper (make sure the paper covers the bottom and sides of the pan. If you want to serve the tiramisu in a large trifle bowl, you can skip this step.
  • 2. Place egg yolks and caster sugar in a mixing bowl, and whisk on high speed until pale and fluffy. Add the mascarpone and, on a medium speed, whisk until it starts to thicken. Be sure not to over-mix as you may split the mascarpone. Add the liqueur(s) and mix until just combined. (You may adjust the quantity of liqueur according to personal taste.) Set this aside and make the Italian meringue.
  • For the Italian Meringue:
  • 3. Add the water to a clean, grease-free saucepan, then slowly add the sugar, making sure that all the grains get wet. Place over a medium heat and bring to soft ball stage. This is about 112 to 114 C. You can use a candy thermometer for this. But the best way I've found to test this is drop a bit of the sugar syrup into cold water. If it's ready it will form a soft, flexible ball. If it's not hot enough, it will form a thread, too far and the ball won't flatten when you squeeze it. Be sure to swirl the pan (not stir with spoon) to avoid crystallising the sugar.
  • 4. Making sure that your mixing bowl is completely grease-free, add in your egg whites and whisk on high speed until white and fluffy. As your egg whites reach medium peak, start to slowly add your hot sugar syrup in a slow and steady stream. Make sure to mix constantly. Once all the sugar has been added, continue to whisk until the Italian meringue has completely cooled.
  • 5. Take your cooled Italian meringue, and carefully fold it into the mascarpone mix. Taste and adjust the amount of liqueur if necessary.
  • 6. Take your sponge finger biscuits, and soak them in the coffee, a couple at a time. Give the biscuits a light squeeze to remove any excess coffee. Try not to soak your biscuits all the way through. There should still be a little portion in the middle that has not been soaked in the coffee.
  • 7. Line your tin/bowl with the biscuits. Once the bowl has been completely covered with the biscuits, sprinkle with a some cocoa powder to lightly coat.
  • 8. Add a little of the mascarpone mix, to cover the biscuit and form a layer above the biscuits. Cover with more coffee-soaked sponge finger biscuits, and sprinkle again with the cocoa. Place some more of the mascarpone mix on top of the sponge finger biscuit, coming up about another one-third of the way up the bowl. Repeat this process once more, levelling out the mix with the top edge of the bowl.
  • 9. Place in the fridge, and allow the tiramisu to become firm enough to cut, minimum 2 hours.
  • 10. Just before serving, sift more cocoa to coat the top. Garnish with some strawberries. Carefully release the tin and remove the paper around the side. Serve immediately.
  • The recipe I adapted is from SBS's Italian Food Safari and followed the decorating method set out by Much-a-Munch.