
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • 2 Onions, Chopped
  • 2 cloves Garlic, Pressed
  • 36 grams Fresh Ginger, Grated
  • 2 Large Sweet Potatoes, Peeled, Cut Into Pieces
  • 360 grams Pumpkin, Peeled And Cut Into Pieces
  • 1 dash Vermouth
  • 1/2 liters Chicken Or Vegetable Stock
  • 5 Tablespoons Cream
  • Curry Powder, To Taste
  • Salt To Taste
  • Chorizo Or Spicy Pepperoni, Cut Into Slices
  • Green Onions, Cut Into Slices


  • Heat the butter in a large pot on medium-high heat, then add the onions and stir for about 2 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and keep stirring for about 3 minutes or until fragrant.
  • Add the chunks of sweet potato and pumpkin. Stir occasionally. It's important that you cook this mixture for at least 5-10 minutes. The longer you wait the more flavor can develop.
  • Now deglaze the pot with a splash of Vermouth and scrape any stuck bits from the bottom of the pan. You can also use white wine but I think it tastes best with Vermouth. Add the stock and cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes or until all the ingredients are soft. If necessary add more stock later.
  • Transfer everything to a food processor or blender. Process in small batches until completely smooth.
  • Put the soup back into the pot and cook over medium heat. Add the cream and season with curry powder to taste. It should only have a hint of curry. If needed, add salt.
  • Add the chorizo or pepperoni slices into a frying pan over high heat. Cook until lightly browned and crispy. Add the green onions and continue to cook the mixture for about 1 minute. Remove from heat.
  • Dish up the soup. Place garnish in the middle of each bowl and serve hot.
  • I had this fantastic soup on a trip in Germany. The moment this creamy concoction hit my tongue, I knew I needed the recipe. However the chef didn't want to give me his recipe, but he told me some of the main ingredients. Once I got home there were sweet potatoes simmering in a pan before I even unpacked my suitcase. Priorities. After a few tweaks, I am very happy to say that this soup turned out perfectly in the end! This soup is now in my standard rotation and I have made it dozens of times. It's pretty foolproof and turns out every time. Enjoy!