Categories:Viewed: 36 - Published at: 9 years ago


  • 8 cups Washed, Hulled And Crushed Fresh Strawberries
  • 1 cup Honey
  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
  • 1 teaspoon Lemon Zest
  • 6 Tablespoons Natural Pectin (Ball)
  • 8 jars Half-pint Canning Jars With Lids And Rings


  • Makes 8 half-pints.
  • 1. Sterilize your jars and lids according to standard canning practices. When done, keep the pot of water boiling. You'll use it in a few minutes.
  • 2 Prepare the strawberries: I used a potato masher to mash my strawberries as I like to have some chunks in my jam. Although doing this does make the jam a bit inconsistent as some of the fruit floats to the top. If you like a smoother jam you may process them with a food processor.
  • 3. Combine the strawberries, honey, lemon juice, lemon zest and pectin in a stainless steel pot over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally and boil for 1-2 minutes.
  • 4. Scrape off the foam and discard it. Ladle the jam into the sterilized jars leaving a 1/4 inch head space. Run a knife around the inside of the rim to loosen up any bubbles. Wipe the rim of the jars and apply the lids.
  • 5. Return the jars to the pot of boiling water that you used to sterilize the jars. Make sure the jars are covered by an inch or two of water. Put the lid on the pot and process the jars for 10 minutes. Afterwards, turn the stove off and take the lid off the pot and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then take the jars out of the water. In about an hour the lids should have sealed-press down on the center of the lids of each to check. If the lid still pops up, it is not sealed and that jar must be refrigerated and used within two weeks. If it is sealed and the lid does not pop up, you have successfully canned your jam and the jam will keep in the pantry for about one year!