
  • 250 grams Strawberries
  • 6 Strawberries for decoration
  • 10 grams Gelatin powder
  • 50 grams Water
  • 1 from 1/2 a lemon Lemon juice
  • 200 ml Milk
  • 2 Raw egg yolks
  • 100 grams Sugar
  • 200 ml Heavy cream (vegetable based)
  • 1 Heavy cream for decoration


  • Mix all ingredients and let the gelatin soften for about 15 minutes.
  • Put half of the strawberries through a mixer.
  • Mash the rest of the strawberries roughly using the back of a fork.
  • Combine egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and mix with a whisk.
  • When it becomes white and fluffy, it is ready.
  • Pour milk into a pan and heat until it is just about to boil.
  • Then add to Step 4 little at a time and mix well with a whisk.
  • Put Step 5 back to a pan and heat.
  • Heat until it becomes "hot!"
  • to the touch.
  • Add softened gelatin from Step 1.
  • Mix with a spatula and let the gelatin melt completely.
  • Then next, add the strawberry mixture from Step 2.
  • Mix well continuously.
  • Add lemon juice.
  • Whip heavy cream until it forms a thick ribbon using a whisk.
  • Mix this little at a time with Step 9 and mix well.
  • Chill in a refrigerator for more than 2 hours and when it is solid, it is ready.
  • Whip heavy cream for decoration.
  • It will look nice if you decorate with whipped cream and mint leaves.
  • This bavarois has a refreshing aftertaste so you might want to have another one after finishing one.