Categories:Viewed: 33 - Published at: 5 years ago


  • 2 lb shrimp (i like med shrimp)
  • 2 stick salted butter
  • 1/4 cup dried parsley
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 3 tsp minced garlic.... can use 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 5 tbsp lemon juice (I use the lemon squeeze bottles that look like lemons.. they originally recipe uses the lemon from 2 lemons).
  • 1 *** can substute onion powder for garlic
  • 1 **** can use the herbal butter recipe in my profile
  • 1 **** salt, pepper, garlic powder (go lite on salt)


  • *** I make herbal butter and have it in the fridge.
  • u can use it for this recipe ....
  • I used it because it is the same mix I use for the herbal butter recipe.
  • the recipe for herbal butter can be found on my profile..
  • put uncooked shrimp in colander and run cold water over them to get seperated.
  • sprinkle the shrimp with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
  • mix by hand til shrimp is covered with spices
  • put soft butter, parsley, lemon juice, salt, red pepper flakes in food processor and pulse until butter looks crumbly.
  • if butter is to creamy you can still use it.
  • put butter mixture on shrimp..if it crumbles just crumble it over the shrimp .
  • if butter is creamy just take a spoon and gather up a 1/2 teaspoon and random place on and among the shrimp
  • let bake at 350 until shrimp is opaque ..
  • **** THIS RECIPE WAS INSPIRED BY THE PIONEER WOMAN .. it is a little different because of the way that it is seasoned.
  • My mother & I love these.
  • she does not like much garlic so I only use 1/2 the garlic and then use onion powder.
  • **** I put out a bowl for shells... the juice from the shrimp is great with Italian bread..
  • I serve with a small wild greens salad with a balsamic and olive oil based vinigrette