
  • 5 lbs russet potatoes, peeled, and cut into large bite size
  • 7 hard-boiled eggs (large or extra large)
  • 2 bunches green onions (green part only)
  • 12 ounces radishes
  • 5 stalks celery
  • 1 -2 lb bacon
  • 2 cups mayonnaise (cold)
  • ground black pepper


  • Peel and cut potatoes into large bite size pieces.
  • Boil potatoes with a bit of salt.
  • You want to cook the potatoes so that when poked with a fork, the break in half easily, but a NOT mushy.
  • You don't want to over cook the poatoes because they need to have some structure to handle being tossed around (with other ingredients), and not dissolve.
  • Lean toward under cooking rather than OVER cooking them.
  • My guess is about 7 minutes after the water begins to boil.
  • Drain, VERY well, and let them cool off a bit at room temperature.
  • Then refrigerate potatoes until very cold 4-6 hours, or even over night.
  • Hard boil eggs, as you are boiling potatoes.
  • The eggs should be refrigerated for the same time that potatoes are, so that they too are really cold.
  • While potatoes an eggs are chilling, cook bacon.
  • The bacon need to be cooked until quite crisp.
  • No flacid bacon!
  • Drain on paper towel, and let cool to room temperature.
  • It depends on what I am feeling like, sometimes I cook 2lbs of bacon -- I like a lot of bacon in it.
  • Begin to wash the green onions, radishes, and celery.
  • After cleaned allow to dry a bit on a towel.
  • Keeping extra moisture out the mix is important.
  • Cut off white part of onions and only use the green part.
  • Chop in pieces about 1/4 to 1/2 inch, place in LARGE mixing bowl.
  • Cut ends off radishes, and then proceed to chop into even pieces (you can use a food processor for this part).
  • When finished with the radishes, you can place the bacon in the food processor and chop it up.
  • I prefer to use "pulse", I don't want it minced.
  • Cut the ends off celery, and take remaining stalk and cut lengthwise in half, or quarters, depending how wide it is.
  • Then chop in 1/4 to 1//2 inch pieces.
  • Do not use the food processor for celery, it makes it mushy and too much water is released from the celery.
  • Add chopped radishes, bacon and celery to the bowl with the green onions.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Peel eggs, and chop (can use food processor on pulse", and add chopped egg to bowl with vegetables and bacon.
  • Begin to add mayo by large spoonfuls.
  • Mix each one into the vegetable mix.
  • Also start to add ground black pepper to taste.
  • Continue to add mayo, until all vegetables are sufficiently covered, and then add more mayo.
  • You are going to begin to add in the potatoes, and they will absorb a LOT of mayo.
  • Add enough mayo to make certain that all of the ingredients are covered in mayo.
  • Cover bowl(s) and refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours.
  • This allows all of of the vegetables and mayo to combine flavors.
  • Keep refrigerated.