Download Seared scotch fillet with ricotta, white anchovies and a parsley, radish and shallot salad - Meat
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2 x 200g pieces of scotch fillet at room temperature

Flaked salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Olive oil for dressing the steak

1 large shallot, sliced finely

2 pinches of castor or brown sugar

2 pinches of cumin powder

1 tbsp sherry vinegar

1/4 bunch of continental parsley, picked

6 small radishes, finely sliced

50ml peppery virgin olive oil

6 white anchovies (white anchovies or Boquerones are anchovies that have been preserved in vinegar rather than the more familiar salt cure).

100g fresh ricotta


1. Preheat a griddle plate to smoking hot.

2. Season the steak with salt and pepper and rub with a little oil.

3. In a bowl add the shallot, sugar, cumin and a pinch of salt, mix with your fingers. Allow the shallot to soften for 2 minutes then add the vinegar, parsley, radish and 50ml of oil and toss through.

4. Sear the steak for 2 1/2 minutes on each side to cook medium-rare to medium. Rest for a few minutes.

5. To plate, lay the anchovies over each steak, crumble ricotta on top and serve the parsley salad on the side.

Drink: Mencia - a fragrant, earthy and rose-petal-tinged red from northern Spain.