Download Sapore Tart - Pies_Tarts
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  • 2-3 cups Sapore (see recipe )
  • 1 egg, beaten with a pinch salt for egg wash
  • Shortcrust pastry: recipe from The Cook's Companion
  • 180g unsalted butter
  • 240g plain flour
  • pinch salt
  • 3 tbsp water


For pastry

Remove butter from refrigerator 30 minutes before making pastry.

Sieve flour and salt onto workbench. Chop butter into smallish pieces and toss lightly in flour. Lightly rub to combine partly. Make a well in the centre and pour in water. Using a pastry scraper, work paste to a rough heap of buttery lumps of dough.

Using the heel of your hand, quickly smear pastry away from you across the workbench. It will combine lightly. Gather together, then press quickly into a flat cake and dust with a little flour. Wrap pastry in plastic film and refrigerate for 25-30 minutes. Dust generously with flour when rolling out.

For tart

Line a 22cm, loose-bottomed deep flan tin with 2/3 of the pastry, then bake blind at 200C for 20 minutes. Reset oven to 180C.

Spread sapore filling into just-baked tart. Roll out the remaining pastry to a 23cm circle. Brush edges of the tart with beaten egg and settle the top circle of pastry in place. Pinch edges well to seal and brush generously with egg wash.

Bake until top crust is golden-brown, about 25 minutes. Cool for at least 30 minutes before cutting and serving.

To serve 

Serve with cream.