
  • 1 cup of thinking
  • 1 tsp. of borrowing
  • 2 c. of dreams
  • 2 to 4 years of youth
  • 3 c. of persistence
  • 1 Tbsp. of ability
  • 1 c. of cooperation
  • 2 c. of good books, lectures and teachers
  • 1 1/2 c. of health
  • 1 c. of plans made and followed through


  • Blend the thinking and the dreams.
  • Add the years and beat until creamy.
  • Sift persistence and ability together and add alternately with cooperation to the first mixture.
  • Add borrowing books, lectures, teachers, health and plans.
  • Fold in the years of youth, beaten stiff.
  • Bake in any moderately good college or university.
  • Time in college: four or more years, depending on how you like your finished product.
  • Temperature:
  • plenty hot. Servings will last for life.