
  • 2 small firm Asian pears, peeled
  • 2 cups pomegranate juice
  • 2 cups Japanese plum wine
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Mint leaves, for garnish


  • Cut the Asian pears in half vertically.
  • Use a small spoon to scoop out the core.
  • Put the 4 halves in a pot large enough to fit the pears in a single layer.
  • Cover the pears with the pomegranate juice and plum wine.
  • Add more juice and wine if the pears are not completely covered.
  • Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Take the pot off the heat and let the pears come to room temperature in the pot.
  • Remove the pears and juice from the pot and put in a bowl.
  • Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  • Preheat a grill to high.
  • When you're ready to serve the pears, dry each half thoroughly using paper towels.
  • Put the sugar on a shallow plate and dip the flat side of each half in the sugar.
  • Put each pear half, flat side down, on a very hot grill and grill until the sugar is brown and bubbly.
  • Transfer the pears to serving plates, flat side up.
  • Put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle of each pear and garnish with mint.