
  • 1 3\4 C. Flour
  • 1 tsp. Baking Soda
  • 1\2 tsp. Salt
  • 1\2 C. Butter
  • 1\2 C. Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 3\4 C. Brown Sugar, firmly packed
  • 1\4 C. Sugar
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • Sugar
  • Chocolate candy covered peanuts, or chocolate candy stars


  • In medium mixing bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt, set aside.
  • In large bowl, beat butter and peanut butter until smooth. Add sugars and beat until fluffy.
  • Add egg and vanilla.
  • Beat well. Gradually beat in flour mixture until well combined.
  • Shape dough into 1-inch balls.
  • Place 1\2 cup of sugar in shallow dish.
  • Roll balls in sugar to coat.
  • Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
  • Bake at 350°for 10 min.
  • Immediatly press a candy into a center of each cookie.
  • Remove from sheet.
  • Cool on wire rack. Make about 48 cookies.