Download Passionfruit custard tartlets - Pies_Tarts
Categories:Viewed: 52 - Published at: 8 years ago


For the tart shells

250g sweet shortcrust pastry - shop-bought is fine

flour, for dusting

500g rice, for baking

For the custard filling

2 cups thickened cream

75g caster sugar

4 egg yolks

4 whole eggs

1 cup strained

Passionfruit juice


For tart shells, preheat oven to 180°C.

Dust a clean surface with flour and roll pastry to about 2mm thickness, then cut into discs slightly larger than tart moulds. Carefully place pastry discs into tart moulds, gently pressing pastry flat and flush into sides and edges, leaving a generous overlap to account for shrinkage. If there are holes in the pastry, patch up with any excess. Refrigerate for an hour or two.

Place a piece of greaseproof paper into tart shells, covering the base and sides, then fill with rice to keep pastry flat during cooking. Bake in preheated oven for 12 minutes, then remove from oven and discard rice and paper.

Allow tart shells to cool on a wire rack. Trim overlapping edges of pastry and remove from moulds.

For the custard filling, place cream in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Meanwhile, whisk together sugar, yolks and whole eggs. Pour boiled cream over sugar and egg mix, add passionfruit juice and stir well. Pour mixture through a sieve and skim off any froth from the surface with a ladle. Pour custard into baked tart shells.

Bake for 25-30 minutes until custard is just set. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature on a wire rack.

To glaze the tarts (optional), boil passionfruit seeds with equal quantities of water and sugar to make a syrup. Pour syrup over surface of tarts and allow to cool.