Download Mozzarella and bread skewers with anchovy sauce - Bread
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  • For the sauce
  • 100ml whipping cream
  • 1 clove garlic
  • tiny pinch salt
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 4 anchovy fillets
  • 1 tsp chopped parsley
  • For the skewers
  • 4 balls fresh mozzarella
  • 4 thick slices of bread from a sourdough or other substantial loaf
  • 60g unsalted butter, melted
  • 4-6 bamboo skewers (if making handaround snacks cut the standard bamboo skewers in half), soaked for an hour before assembling
  • 4 handfuls of soft salad leaves (optional)


For the sauce

Make sauce first.

In a small saucepan boil the cream, stirring for about two minutes until it has thickened and is a little reduced. Set aside.Pound garlic with the salt to make a paste. Transfer garlic paste to a small frying pan with the butter and add the chopped anchovies. Stir over gentle heat until anchovies have dissolved. Stir in the thickened cream and parsley and set sauce aside until needed.

For the skewers

Preheat grill.

Cut the cheese into 2cm cubes. Cut crusts from bread and lightly toast and then cut it into 2cm cubes. Slip bread and cheese onto skewers, starting and finishing with bread.

Balance skewers across a baking tray or ovenproof platter so the bread does not touch the bottom. Brush all sides with the melted butter.

Line the grill tray with foil and place the skewers on the grill tray. Grill two minutes per side or until the cheese is just starting to soften.

To serve 

Serve snacks still on skewers, drizzled with a little of the sauce. If serving as a first course you might want to remove the cubes from the skewers and place on top of the greens and then drizzle over the sauce.