
  • 1 box White Cake Mix
  • 1 box Dry Vanilla Pudding Mix
  • 5 whole Egg Whites
  • 1/2 cups Cold Water
  • 1/2 cups Canola Oil
  • 1/2 teaspoons Peppermint Extract
  • 1/2 cups Bourbon
  • 1-1/2 stick Butter
  • 1/4 cups Cold Water
  • 1-1/2 cup White Sugar
  • 1/4 cups Bourbon


  • Preheat oven to 325.
  • Beat the first 7 ingredients (through 1st round of bourbon) in a bowl with an electric mixer. It'll get uber-fluffy from all the egg whites, and that's O.K.
  • Pour into a tube pan that you sprayed with cooking spray. Bake for an hour. Because of your mega-fluffed out egg white-y cake, it'll expand in the oven kind like a souffle, and that's O.K.
  • During the last 10 minutes of baking, melt the butter, water and sugar together in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and then take off the heat.
  • Pour in round two of the finest, fermented sour mash you have. Or Wild Turkey. My tastes do not discern, and sometimes that is all you can get at the liquor store at 1 a.m. when you are making this cake.
  • Pull the cake out of the oven, and while it's still hot, take a kabob skewer and poke it all over. Slowly pour all of the saucey-sauce over the top and around the sides. Allow the cake and sauce to cool completely in the pan. Invert on a pretty plate. Eat with other, fine Louisville-ian eats like Hot Browns and an Old Fashioned.