
  • 2 c. water, divided
  • 7 Tbsp. cornstarch
  • 1 1/4 c. sugar
  • 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
  • 1/3 c. fresh lemon juice
  • grated rind of 1 large lemon
  • 1 Tbsp. butter
  • 1 9-inch pie shell, baked
  • meringue


  • Mix the cornstarch and 1/2 c. water to make a thin paste. Combine the remaining 1 1/2 cups water and the sugar in the top of a double boiler and bring to a boil over direct heat.
  • Add the cornstarch paste and cook until mixture begins to thicken; place over boiling water and continue cooking until thick and smooth, about 15 minutes.
  • Add a small amount of cooked mixture to egg yolks and mix back into cooked mixture.
  • Return to double boiler and cook 1 minute longer.
  • Add lemon rind, juice and butter and blend well.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Pour into baked pie shell and top with meringue.
  • Bake at 325° about 20 minutes until nicely browned.