Download Homemade yoghurt with honey - Healthy
Categories:Viewed: 63 - Published at: 8 years ago


  • 1L milk
  • 1 cup plain yoghurt, with live cultures
  • 1 tbsp honey, and extra honey to serve


Heat milk in a medium saucepan until it froths around the edges (about 85C on a digital thermometer), but don't let it boil. Pour into a medium ceramic bowl and leave to cool until you can touch the side with your hands (about 41C). This is the ideal temperature for bacteria to multiply.

Now add the live yoghurt and something sweet (honey or sugar) to get things started. Cover tightly with cling film and wrap in a small blanket or thick towel to keep warm. Leave to sit for about eight hours in a warm spot, for the yoghurt to form (an oven is ideal but should only be slightly warm and not turned on). It is then ready to use or store in the refrigerator for up to four-five days, where it will thicken a little more.

Strain through muslin to thicken further, if desired. Drizzle with extra honey to serve.

Note Check the use-by date as fresher yoghurt will have more live bacteria. It should say on the tub if live bacteria are present.