
  • chicken stock /broth, I will shoe you in a different recipe how to make one
  • chicken meat from your stock
  • carrot
  • parsnip
  • parsley
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • white pepper
  • nutmeg
  • garlic
  • butter
  • noodles


  • Noodles: Whisk up you egg with the salt and combine the sifted flour and water until you make a thick dough. Work it with your had or in a dough maker. After roll out into a bog flat thin pancake and use additional flour so it does not stick. Turn it around few times and add additional flour. Set it aside to dry for about 5 minutes. Now you can fold it and cut your noodles. Set them aside on a paper towel to dry.
  • Soup: Prepare your chicken stock and chicken meat. Cut the meat into small pieces. Grate your carrot, parsnip and some nutmeg and garlic. Without the garlic fry on a pan with the butter until golden. Use salt and pepper.
  • Afterwards combine with your stock and garlic and set it on medium heat to boil. After it starts to boil add your chicken and pasta. Leave to cook for about 3-5 minutes and serve when your noodles are ready. Serve with fresh parsley.
  • Tips: For nicer serving you can just let your family or guests add your ingredients them self into their plate and fill up with the stock. You can freeze your soup to use in worse times (like in illness). It keeps in the fridge for about 2 days but can go easily bad fast during summers. Store as soon as it cools down in the fridge.