
  • 3 haas avocados
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1/2 packages fresh coriander
  • 2 fresh limes
  • 2 tsp "easy chilli" / fresh red chillies
  • 2 clove garlic
  • 1 packages baby plum tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (optional)


  • Finely chop the red onion, coriander, tomatoes (optional), chillies, and garlic, and mix together in a large bowl.
  • Halve, de-stone, scoop out and finely chop the avocados and add to the mixture (do this last as avocados can brown quickly if left out).
  • For a truly authentic guacamole Mexicans use a special mortar and pestle made from porous volcanic rock called a molcajete along with local herbs.
  • Assuming you dont have those, the secret to a good guacamole is 1. not to over-mash or worse - blend - the mixture, and 2. use lots of fresh lime juice.
  • It should be enough to simply chop your ingredients finely and mix together well with a fork.
  • Some people like to add a little extra virgin oil to the mix, but the crucial finishing garnish is lots of fresh lime and freshly chopped coriander.
  • Any guacamole without these is a fraud.
  • Serve with plenty of corn chips as a dip.
  • Also goes very well with tacos, enchiladas, nachos, tortilla wraps, and other Mexican dishes.
  • Possibly a bit heretical, but some people also love the combination of hummous and guacamole in a Middle East meets Mexico decadent sandwich.