
  • 1 packet won-ton wrappers
  • 1 can cannellini beans
  • 1 bulb garlic
  • 1 medium brown or yellow onion
  • 2 cups greens of your choice (I used spinach & arugula)
  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 3-4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • olive oil
  • parmesan cheese


  • Roast the bulb of garlic. I do this by cutting off the tip of the bulb and placing it in foil with olive oil and salt. Then I put in the oven or a toaster oven at 180c/350f for about 25-30 min.
  • Put your chopped onion in a skillet with about 1 - 2 tbsp of butter to start caramelizing the onion. Keep an eye on the onion while you do your next steps.
  • While the garlic is roasting and onions caramelizing, get a pot of water boiling. Once it boils, place a cup of the greens in the water at a time for about 20 - 30 seconds. Scoop out and run under cold water. Let water drain out and chop the greens, or put in a food processor and give a few pulses. After it is chopped, mix with the ricotta cheese in a bowl.
  • Heat up the cannellini beans to cook through. Put in the food processor with the roasted garlic (I used about 6 cloves) and pulse until smooth. Set aside for ravioli assembly.
  • Create an assembly line of ingredients. First the beans mixture, next the greens ricotta mixture and finally the caramelized onion. Put a shallow bowl or cup of water next to you to wet the ravioli edges. Reserve some onions in pan for sauce.
  • To assemble, place a small amount of bean mixture in the middle of the gow gee wrapper, then a small amount of greens mixture followed by one or two caramelized onions. Wet the edges of the wrapper with the water and place another wrapper on top. Press the edges together until secure, then if you want press a fork around the edges to create a pressed design.
  • Once all of your raviolis are finished, use the same pan you caramelized the onions in to create browned butter sauce. Add about 1 tbsp more butter, the rest of your roasted garlic cloves and a sprig of rosemary to the pan and simmer for a few minutes.
  • While the butter mixture simmers, boil water in a large saucepan. Once boiling, add about 5-6 raviolis into the pot at a time. After 5-6 minutes, scoop out of pot and add more until all are cooked.
  • Serve with rosemary brown butter sauce, parmesan and some greens to garnish.