
  • 1/4 C. minute tapioca, or 1/2 C. pearl tapioca
  • 1 pkg. dried prunes
  • 1 pkg. dried apricots
  • 1 pkg. dried apples
  • 1 C. raisins
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Juice of one orange
  • Juice of one lemon
  • sugar to taste


  • Mix fruit together. Cover with cold water and let stand overnight. Cook tapioca in
  • 1 C. of water in a double boiler until transparent. Cut fruit into pieces and cover with water to 1/2 inch of fruit. Add orange, lemon, cinnamon and sugar to taste. Simmer until tender. (10-15 min.) Add the transparent liquid. Serve hot or cold.