
  • one large eggplant, 2-3 lbs.
  • 1 cup tomato paste
  • 1/3 cup olive paste
  • 1/3 cup pinon nuts
  • 1 1/2 cup grated skim milk mozarella cheese
  • 2 vidalia (or other sweet type) onion
  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • 2 teaspoon sugar
  • 3 teaspoons red wine vinegar
  • olive oil (as needed)
  • salt (as needed)


  • Preheat oven to 350, place rack in middle position.
  • Slice eggplant into rounds roughly half an inch thick, skin if desired by slicing down on rounds lying on cutting board. Salt lightly, stack rounds leaved with cloth or paper towels, set for 10 minutes to reduce water content. Wipe off salt with dry towels after unstacking.
  • While waiting, mix 1cup tomato paste with 1/3 cup olive paste.
  • Add 2 teaspoons sugar, 3 teaspoons vinegar, stir well, then add 1/3 cup pinon nuts.
  • Slice onion thinly (1/8-inch thick) and chop slices into quarters. Separate rings.
  • Drizzle small amount of olive oil onto non-stick frying pan and heat to just below smoking. Cook each side of the eggplant slices for 45 seconds to one minute each, remove and place aside on cloth-covered tray or cutting board. Egglant should be hot all the way through; stop just as the surface begins to soften.
  • When cooking is done, place partially cooked egglant rounds onto large, non-stick sheet pan.
  • Spread tomato paste mix over eggplant slices so it is 1/8-inch thick. Sprinkle grated mozarella cheese over that, top with onion and sprinkle a pinch of oregano on each slice. Place filled tray into center of oven rack, bake for 25-30 minutes, or until eggplant is cooked. Test by poking with a toothpick; if it goes in easily, it's done.
  • For added attractiveness, brown the onions by placing cooked slices briefly under broiler seet at "high." Cool for 5 minutes before serving.
  • This recipe doubles very easily.