Category: pinon nuts
Learn pinon nuts - Recipes
  1. Eggplant With Pinon Nuts - eggplant

    Ingredients one large eggplant, 2-3 lbs.1 cup tomato paste1/3 cup olive paste1/3 cup pinon nuts1 1/2 cup grated skim milk mozarella cheese2 vidalia (or other sweet type) onion1 tablespoon oregano2 teaspoon suga...Learn More
    eggplanttomato pasteolive paste
  2. Green Chile Pesto Recipe - green chile

    Ingredients 1 1/2 cups roasted green chile, peeled and seeded1/2 cup toasted pinon nuts (or substitute pine nuts)6 cloves roasted garlic1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese1/4 cup olive oilSalt and pepper to tasteMet...Learn More
    green chilepinon nutsgarlic