Categories:Viewed: 86 - Published at: 2 years ago


  • 10 1/2 ounces white sugar
  • 7 ounces soft brown sugar
  • 1/3 ounce butter
  • 3/8 cup milk


  • Conversions.
  • 10.5 oz = 300 grams.
  • 7 oz = 200 grams.
  • 1/3 oz = 10 grams.
  • 3/8 cup = 1 ml.
  • For the flavorings, if desired, you can use 4 tablespoons of brewed expresso coffee or prepared cocoa or
  • 2 tablespoons marashcino juice, or.
  • 3 tablespoons whipping cream.
  • If you use cookie forms, keep them cooled in a dish of ice water.
  • Combine sugar, milk and butter in a thick bottomed pan and add one of the above flavorings.
  • Boil the mixture, stirring constantly.
  • Product will be ready when a drop of the hot mixture does not flatten on a plate or in a cup of water, but retains it's basic "drop" shape.
  • Remove the pan from the heat.
  • Place the cookie forms on a sheet of foil and pour the mixture into the forms.
  • The fudge should not be more than 1 cm (3/8") thick.
  • If cooky forms are not being used, pour directly onto a sheet of aluminum foil, raising its edges so the liquid does not pour out. Keep the fudge to the thickness mentioned above. Once it is hardened, cut with a cold knife.