
  • 1/2 package (8 oz) CREAMETTE Elbow Macaroni
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2.5 cups milk
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 minced onion
  • 2 cups (8 oz) shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs


  • - Cook pasta, preheat oven to 350.
  • - In saucepan, melt butter, stir in flour, gradually stir in milk.
  • - Cook, stirring constantly over medium heat, until sauce thickens. Stir in salt and pepper. Add onion and cheese; stir until cheese melts.
  • - Stir cheese sauce into cooked pasta.
  • - Spoon into greased 2-quart baking dish. Top with bread crumbs, sprinkle paprika on top.
  • - Bake 30 minutes.