
  • 3 cups very hot tap water
  • 12 cup bacon grease, plus
  • additional bacon grease, for brushing loaves after baking
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 12 cup molasses
  • 2 packages active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 12 cup warm water (110-115 degrees F)
  • 1 cup unsifted rye flour
  • 4 cups unsifted whole wheat flour
  • 4 cups unsifted unbleached white flour, as needed


  • Mix first 4 ingredients in large bowl, stirring until bacon grease is melted, and allow to cool to 110-115 degrees F.
  • Dissolve yeast and sugar in 1/2 cup warm water, and allow to proof for 10 minutes.
  • Add to molasses mixture.
  • Add rye and wheat flours, and mix well.
  • Add 3 cups of white flour, and mix thoroughly.
  • Knead in additional flour, as needed, until dough is smooth and elastic and does not stick to hook or bowl.
  • Cut into two equal portions, knead each by hand, and form into oval loaves.
  • Place on a greased baking sheet sprinkled with cornmeal, and let rise in a warm place for only 15 minutes.
  • Bread is supposed to be rather coarse and heavy.
  • Bake at 350 degrees F for about 1 hour or until loaves sound hollow when rapped (internal temperature about 190 degrees F).
  • Brush top of loaves with melted bacon grease while still hot.
  • Allow to cool to room temperature on wire racks.
  • Wrap in foil and refrigerate overnight before cutting.
  • Best if sliced as thin as possible.