
  • 1 handful dried tomatoes
  • 0.250 milliliters Brocciu corsican cheese
  • 1 basil
  • 1 lettuce
  • 1 baguette (french bread)
  • 1 the finest zest of an organic yellow lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 handful roasted pine nuts (use a frying pan )
  • 1 salt and pepper
  • 1 steam basket
  • 1 bowl of hot boiled salted water
  • 1 olive oil


  • Mix 5 soup spoons of olive oil with the zest of the lemon; reserve at least 1 hour in the fridge
  • Cut in fine small strips dried tomatoes and soak it in the hot water 10 minute) chop finely the clove of garlic mix the whole and cover with olive oil add salt, grey pepper reserve in the fridge 1 hour
  • Then Mix the brocciu with dried tomatoes (without the oil), and half of the grilled pine nuts
  • Make warm the water with a pinch of salt Take leaves lettuces, dip them one by one into the boiled water to soften them put down a spoonful of the brocciu tomated at the heart of the leaf of soft lettuce roll the leaf around the brocciu as for a nem put down the roller in a steam basket proceed so as long as there is brocciu
  • put the steam basket in the steamer for 10mn.
  • cut slices of baguette and taost it
  • once all cooked, dress the little nems of brocciu in plate and add on it the lemony oil with a brush decorate with some roasted pine nuts and little leaves of basil the whole accompanied with a slice of grilled baguette (french bread) slightly perfumed with the lemony oil.
  • Bon appetit!