
  • 1 cup Chardonnay wine
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 12 cups arborio rice
  • 3 14 cups grated parmesan cheese
  • 13 cup chopped onion
  • 1 lb chicken breast
  • 2 peeled Italian tomatoes
  • 4 12 cups chicken stock


  • Start by pouring the 1 1/2 cup of Arborio rice into a bowl.
  • Pour the 3 1/4 cups grated parmesan cheese into another bowl with 1 tbs of the butter.
  • Put the 1 tbs of olive oil into a pot along with 2 tbs of the butter.
  • Cube the chicken breast then put them into a bowl.
  • Dice the Italian tomatoes and put them into a bowl as well (or use 2/3 of a can of diced Italian tomatoes witch is a lot easier so recommend it).
  • Put the 4 1/2 cups of chicken stalk into a separate pot and start to boil it (uncovered).
  • Heat the pot with the butter and olive oil in it on high.
  • When the butter is half melted pour the onions in and cook them until they are transparent.
  • Then you pour the rice inches.
  • And after 1-2 mins on cooking the rice pour the white wine into the pot as well.
  • Then Put the heat on medium.
  • Put 1 tbs of olive oil into a pan and heat until you can move the olive oil around easily.
  • Then pour the chicken breast into the pan (make sure you hear a sizzling noise).
  • Turn off the heat of the chicken stalk when it is boiling.
  • And once all the wine in the cooking risotto is absorbed pour in 1 cup of the chicken stalk.
  • And every time all the liquid is all absorbed in the risotto pour in 1 more cup of stalk.
  • Once the chicken is almost done pour the diced Italian tomatoes in the chicken and stir them around tun off the heat.
  • Then leave the chicken alone for a while.
  • When the risotto is done as well pour the sofritto (which is the chicken and tomato mix) into the risotto and stir it around.
  • Turn off the heat of the risotto.
  • After you turned off the heat pour the cheese with the butter in it into the risotto and stir.
  • Congrats you made one of my favorite dishes yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.