
  • 14 ounce. box sm. shell macaroni
  • 1/3 c. French dressing
  • 2 hard boiled Large eggs, minced
  • 1/3 c. stuffed olives, minced
  • 1 c. minced celery
  • 2 tbsp. minced onion
  • 1 c. cubed cheese
  • 1 can red salmon (1/2 lb.) or possibly 2 c. minced chicken


  • Cook and cold macaroni.
  • Marinate macaroni with 1/3 c. or possibly more French dressing overnight.
  • Next morning, add in hard boiled Large eggs, olives, celery, onion, cheese and salmon or possibly chicken.
  • Moisten with salad dressing.
  • May add in some cream if you wish.